Focus and Scope
Jurnal Penelitian Kebidanan & Kespro (JPKK) is a scientific journal which is published original of medical midwife articles. The editors welcome scientific relevant articles to National and International medical midwife issues. The journal welcomes submissions who come from around the world including from Indonesia. The journal publishes twice times a year.
Aims and Scope JPKK:
1. Maternal health starts from pre-conception, infection, pregnancy, childbirth, and childbirth.
2. Children's health starts from newborns, neonates, toddlers, and pre-school
3. Family planning
4. Prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections, including HIV / AIDS
5. Adolescent reproductive health
6. Prevention and management of abortion complications
7. Infertility prevention and treatment
8. The reproductive health of the elderly
9. Early detection of reproductive tract cancer
10. Other reproductive health such as sexual violence, violence against children and domestic violence (KDRT)
Beside that author can submit some articles on any issue that has relating to medical midwife articles with editor consideration.