• Zuliam Mursida Institut Kesehatan Deli Husada Deli Tua
Keywords: Family planning counseling, Family planning methods, Family planning


Counseling for family planning involves a two-way dialogue between a counselor and potential contraceptive users to determine the best contraceptive method tailored to the users' needs. This study arises from the growing number of couples of reproductive age in Indonesia using contraception, which reached 59.54% in 2022. In North Sumatra, 43.8% of couples used contraception in 2023. However, many couples still struggle to select the most appropriate contraceptive method due to a lack of knowledge about the advantages, effectiveness, and potential side effects of different contraceptive options. This research utilizes an analytical survey with a cross- sectional design and analyzes the data using the chi-square test. The study sample consisted of 50 new contraceptive users at Maidawati Clinic, S.Keb., Bd Marelan Sub-district in 2024, who met the inclusion criteria. The results reveal that family planning counseling has a significant impact on the choice of contraceptive methods at the clinic, with findings of (p = 0.000) and (OR = 2.875). Based on these findings, it is recommended that healthcare professionals or midwives at Maidawati Midwife Clinic, S.Keb., Bd Marelan Sub-district consistently offer family planning counseling to potential users before they choose a contraceptive method. This approach helps ensure that users make informed decisions and choose the method that best suits their needs.


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