• Fitri Dahlia Institut Kesehatan Deli Husada
Keywords: Keywords: Work Fatigue, Workload, Years of Service, Duration of Work, Work Stress, Work Attitude, Nurse



Work fatigue is a pattern that arises in a situation, which generally occurs in everyone, who is no longer able to carry out activities. Nurses who experience work fatigue will not perform optimally and will reduce the productivity of nurses in providing services. This study aims to analyze the factors related to work fatigue in nurses at Madani General Hospital in Medan in 2023.

This type of research is an analytic survey with a cross-sectional explanatory research approach conducted in January with a total sample of 66 people with a total sampling method. The research data was obtained by filling out personal identity data sheets and measuring the level of work fatigue using the KAUPK2 questionnaire.

From the research results of nurse respondents, there is a relationship between workload and work fatigue in nurses at Madani General Hospital in 2023. with a value (p-value 0.001), working period (p-value 0.008), working duration (p-value 0.009), stress Work (p-value 0.002), work attitude (p-value 0.019), and work shift variables have no relationship with value (p-value 0.0602). after being analyzed based on ordinal logistic regression test for work fatigue factors of nurse respondents at Madani Public Hospital Medan The most dominant variable related to nurse fatigue is Workload (RP) 4.84; 95% CI (1.66-14.13) at Medan Madani General Hospital in 2023.



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