• Siska Anggreni Lubis Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
  • Muhammad Amin Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
Keywords: Staying up late, Blood pressure,


Blood pressure is the pressure generated by the blood against the blood vessel. Staying up late is
being awake until late at night. All the human need a time for rest, a normal adult requires six to
eight hours a day sleeping or resting after a day of working and doing activity.The purpose of
this research was to compare the systolic and diastolic blood pressure before and after staying
up on security in Perumhan J-City Medan Johor. This observational analytical research is cross
sectional design in use with a sample of 43 securities with sampling methods Total Sampling. The
results showed that 43 respondents who examined contained blood pressure increased by 32
(74%) of people, who decreased as many as 8 (18,6%) people, and being consistent 3 (7%) of
people.Paired T-test based on the obtained on the average systolic pressure before and after is -
8.140. The result of this study relateds to the significance of p=0,001. For the average diastole
before and after obtained -6.744 which also relates to the signifance of p= 0,001.


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