Jurnal Penelitian Keperawatan Medik 2024-01-13T10:10:14SE Asia Standard Time Dewi Safitri Ginting Open Journal Systems <div style="text-align: justify;"> <p>Jurnal Penelitian Keperawatan Medik memberikan ruang bagi akademisi, peneliti dan pengguna hasil penelitian dan pengabdian untuk mendiseminasikan, menginformasikan, mendiskusikan dan menggunakan hasil penelitian dan pengabdian sebagai upaya meningkatkan kualitas kebijakan di bidang keperawatan yang berbasis ilmiah. Jurnal ini menyajikan hasil penelitian, pengabdian masyarakat serta artikel ilmiah di bidang keperawatan medis. Artikel penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat yang dimuat dalam jurnal ini merupakan topik penting dalam pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan di bidang kesehatan masyarakat, membantu pemecahan masalah seputar keperawatan dan membantu meningkatkan kualitas hidup manusia. Jurnal Penelitian Keperawatan Medik bersifat independen, ilmiah, memberi kesempatan yang sama kepada akademisi dari berbagai jenjang dan asal pendidikan tinggi.</p> </div> PENGARUH PERMAINAN PLASTISIN TERHADAP PERKEMBANGAN KEMAMPUAN MOTORIK HALUS ANAK USIA PRASEKOLAH DI TK SWASTA KARUNIA MEDAN JOHOR 2023-11-23T03:58:25SE Asia Standard Time Herri Novita Tarigan <p><em>The golden time is frequently used to describe children in the pre-school years. Children's intelligence is now growing and developing extremely quickly, as are their fine and gross motor skills, cognition, morals, social skills, emotional development, and linguistic skills. Writing and sketching by pupils that are not tidy, gripping things that frequently fall, and stiff finger motions are all issues with the fine motor development of preschoolers. The purpose of this study was to analyzing the effect of plasticine games on the development of fine motor ability in preschool children. </em><em>The type of this study was quasy experiment using one group pretest-posttest</em><em>. The population in this study were all students of Karunia Private Kindergarten, Medan, Johor. The number of respondents in this study were 26 respondents taken with total sampling. The results of the bivariate analysis of playing plasticine to development of fine motor skills in pre-school children obtained p-value (sig 2 tailed) = 0.000. From the results of the bivariate analysis p-value &lt; a (0.05), it can be concluded that there is an effect of playing plasticine to development of fine motor skills of pre-school-aged children in Karunia Private Kindergarten, Medan Johor in 2023. To ensure that children develop to their full potential, it is intended that parents and kindergarten instructors would actively participate in stimulating children's development activities.</em></p> 2023-11-23T03:42:31SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PEMBERIAN JUS BAYAM HIJAU TERHADAP PENINGKATAN KADAR HEMOGLOBIN PADA IBU HAMIL DENGAN ANEMIA DI KLINIK PRATAMA CITRA MARENDAL KEC. DELI TUA KAB. DELI SERDANG TAHUN 2023 2023-11-23T03:58:33SE Asia Standard Time Putri Ayu Yessy Ariescha Cindy Aulia Amanda <p><em>Anemia in pregnant ladies is an indirect cause of maternal mortality in Indonesia. The effects of anemia in pregnant women are: miscarriage, extended transport, mom and baby infections, haemorrhage, untimely birth, low start weight, malnutrition of the fetus, intrauterine increase retardation (IUGR). Non-pharmacological methods, specifically the consumption of green amaranth (Amaranthus Viridis), are used in interventions to growth hemoglobin degrees. This observe turned into carried out at Citra Marendal number one faculty from February to June 2023. This sort of study is a pre-submit-trial organization trial. The population recognized in this look at was pregnant girls with anemia. The cutting-edge pattern length is sixteen individuals selected at random from the population. The p-price acquired was (0.000) due to a -variable evaluation of the effect of green spinach juice on increasing hemoglobin tiers in anemic pregnant girls. therefore, from the outcomes of two-variable analysis with p &lt; α (0.05), it can be concluded that spinach juice has the impact of growing hemoglobin in pregnant ladies at Citra Marendal Pratama health facility, Deli Tua District, Deli Serdang regent. girls with anemia with the aid of 2023. it's far recommended that expectant moms could advantage more from non-pharmacological interventions together with often consuming spinach juice to boom hemoglobin stages.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-11-23T03:42:46SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## PERBEDAAN EFEKTIFITAS PEMBERIAN MINYAK ZAITUN (OLIVE OIL) DAN MINYAK KELAPA MURNI (VIRGIN COCONUT OIL) TERHADAP PENYEMBUHN RUAM PADA POPOK BAYI DI KLINIK TAHUN 2023 2023-11-23T03:58:44SE Asia Standard Time Vitrilina - Hutabarat <p style="font-weight: 400;">Babies will be sensitive to everything around them. Babies have relatively thin skin, making them susceptible to infection, inflammation and allergies. One of the most common skin problems is diaper rash. Diaper rash appears on the baby's thighs and buttocks. Causes of diaper rash include poor skin hygiene, severe hot flashes, and diarrhea. OBJECTIVE: To find out whether there is a difference in the effect between olive oil and coconut oil in healing diaper rash in babies. METHODS: This study used a two-group design with a quasi-experimental style, before and after a test-control design. The study population consisted of babies aged 0-12 months who suffered from diaper rash in Kasih Ibu, Deli Tua District, Deli Serdang Regency, who had an average of 17 visits. Non-random sampling and targeted sampling using the Federer formula were used in this sample, with a total sample size of 16 people. An observation sheet with the Mann-Whitney test was used as an instrument. RESULTS: The results of the bivariate analysis test using Mann-Whitney showed that the average value for giving olive oil was (1.75) from 8 samples and for giving pure coconut oil, it was (1.25) with an average difference of (50). ) with Z count for giving olive oil (2.936) and giving muri coconut oil (0.3032). Based on the results of the Mann-Whitney test, the p-value was 0.023. Because the p-value &lt;0.05, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the use of olive oil and pure coconut oil for healing diaper rash in babies at the Kasih Ibu Clinic, Deli Tua District, Deli Serdang Regency in 2023 Suggestion: In the future, it is hoped that research will be more advanced and the results will be enriched by looking for other treatments that can be used to reduce the severity of diaper rash, such as giving aloe vera or honey.</p> 2023-11-23T03:43:01SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PEMBERIAN KACANG EDAMAME (Glycin max (L)merrill)TERHADAP PENINGKATAN PRODUKSI ASI PADA IBU NIFAS DI KLINIK FITRI ASIH KECAMATAN PATUMBAK KABUPATEN DELI SERDANG TAHUN 2022 2023-11-23T03:58:55SE Asia Standard Time Nurul Aini Siagian Devi Linda SM Siregar Devi Linda SM Siregar <p><sup></sup></p> <p><em>Background Back :</em> <em>bosom milk is food normal first _ for child . Absence of milk creation brings about work on breastfeeding for children no satisfied .</em></p> <p><em>Method Research : Review this utilization Quasy Investigation Plan ( Configuration Examination pseudo ) with use plan one Gathering Pre test - Post test Plan . Populace in concentrate on this that is entire post pregnancy 10 individuals and an example of 10 individuals. Concentrate on this utilizing the all out examining method with examination univariate and bivariate . The exploration results acquired from information investigation with Wilcoxon 's test demonstrated the way that post pregnancy moms can finished up gift nut soya bean youthful ( edamame beans ) pre-test and post-test. Brings about table is known that score P - esteem (0.007) &lt; 0.05 then H0 is dismissed Ha is acknowledged which implies there is the impact of pre-test and post-test on giving nut soya bean youthful ( edamame beans ) against bosom milk creation in post pregnancy moms at the Center Fitri love Subdistrict Patumbak Store Serdang Regime .</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;Conclusion : in concentrate on this showing results that there is impact nut soya bean youthful ( edamame beans ) against bosom milk creation in post pregnancy moms . Idea: it is trusted that the facility will give data on mother bosom feed in increment milk creation can drink nut soybeans</em></p> 2023-11-23T03:43:59SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## THE RELATIONSHIP OF MATERNAL SELF MANAGEMENT AND ATTITUDES OF PREGNANT WOMEN IN PREVENTING OF STUNTING AT THE CLINIC OF KASIH IBU DELITUA IN 2023 2023-11-23T04:14:39SE Asia Standard Time RENTAWATI PURBA DEWI TIANSA BARUS <p><em>Background: Stunting is a body height age, due to a lack of nutritional intake for a long time, causing chronic malnutrition problems. This study aimed to determine maternal self-management and the attitude of pregnant women in preventing stunting in pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy at Clinic of Kasih Ibu Deli Tua, Deli Serdang. </em></p> <p><em>Method: The study method was personal correlation and cross sectional study design. The sample of this study was 81 respondents with the sampling technique being as total sampling.</em></p> <p><em>Result: The results of the chi square statistical test carried out obtained a significant number or p value (value=0.000)</em></p> <p><em>Conclusion: The importance of maternal attitudes in preventing stunting is to prevent growth disorders of children so that it can be increased their growth and development</em></p> 2023-11-23T03:46:32SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH BALANCE EXERCISE TERHADAP RISIKO JATUH PADA LANSIA DI WILAYAH PUSKESMAS DELI TUA KABUPATEN DELI SERDANG 2023-11-23T03:59:13SE Asia Standard Time zuliawati zuliawati Hariati Hariati <p><em>Aging is a process of tissue degeneration in which body function decreases, causing postural balance disorders, which can result in an increased risk of falls in the elderly. Postural balance disorders can be controlled with non-pharmacological therapy, namely balance exercise. This research aims to determine the effect of balance exercise on the level of postural balance in reducing the risk of falls in the elderly. This research uses quantitative research data with the Quasy Experiment method. The number of samples was 31 respondents. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Statistical tests use the Pairet Sample test. The results of the study showed that there was a difference in the risk of falls in the elderly before and after doing balance training. The results of the paired sample test obtained pvalue: 0.000 &lt; 0.05 so it can be concluded that there is an influence between balance training and the risk of falls in the elderly. The benefits of balance training are that it helps increase muscle strength in the lower extremities (legs) and improves the vestibular system/body balance.</em></p> 2023-11-23T03:46:44SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## HUBUNGAN TINGKAT STRES DENGAN KESIAPAN DIRI SISWA SAAT KEMBALI BERSEKOLAH PASCA DARING PANDEMI COVID-19 DI SMA SWASTA YAPIM SIBIRU-BIRU TAHUN 2022 2023-11-23T03:59:22SE Asia Standard Time Mona Fitri Gurusinga Meta Hutagalung <p><em>Officially informed that school will be held face-to-face students complain of stress about this, to achieve a level of readiness, physical and psychic conditions are needed that support each other's readiness in the learning process. To: Identify stress levels, and self-readiness in students when returning to school, Analyze the relationship between stress levels and students' self-readiness when returning to school post-online Types </em></p> <p><em>This study is an observational analytic with a go-sectional approach. This has a look at what was used to find the relationship between impartial variables and based variables. This research method can be done by using surveys, questionnaires, and interviews of strain tiers with students' self-readiness at mild pressure ranges of 31 people (forty three.7%), mild as many as 21 human beings (29.6%), weight as many as 15 humans (21.1%), and really heavy 4 human beings (5.6%) with a p-fee of zero.003 (.zero.1/2) so that Ha is time-honored this means that there is a stress relationship with students' self-readiness whilst returning to high school after the Covid-19 pandemic at Yapim Sibiru-biru private excessive college in 2022</em></p> <p><em>There is a relationship between stress levels and students' self-readiness when they return to school after the COVID-19 pandemic at Yapim Sibiru-biru Private High School in 2022. Severe and moderate stress levels can trigger a person's self-readiness, especially in students changing the teaching and learning process which was previously online and then offline with strict health protocol rules at school, as well as from themselves and the environment.</em></p> 2023-11-23T03:47:11SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## HUBUNGAN PERSONAL HYGIENE DAN PENGGUNAAN ALAT PELINDUNG DIRI (APD) DENGAN KEJADIAN DERMATITIS KONTAK PADA PETUGAS PENGANGKUT SAMPAH DI TEMPAT PEMBUANGAN AKHIR (TPA) TADUKAN RAG 2023-11-23T03:59:36SE Asia Standard Time VIKTOR EDYWARD MARBUN Johannes Sembiring anggun syafitri <p><em>Contact dermatitis is dermatitis caused by the presence of irritants or allergens attached to the skin. Epidemiological data in Indonesia shows that 97% of 389 cases of skin disease are contact dermatitis, 66.3% of these cases are irritant contact dermatitis and 33.7% are allergic contact dermatitis. This study aims to determine the relationship between personal hygiene and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) with the incidence of contact dermatitis in waste collectors at the Tadukan Raga Deli Serdang final disposal site (TPA) in 2023. This study used a quantitative approach with a cross sectional study design. The research was conducted in March 2023 – June 2023 at the Tadukan Raga landfill in Tanjung Morawa. The population of this study were all garbage collectors at the Tadukan Raga TPA. The number of samples in this study were 43 people with the sampling technique being total sampling. Data was collected using a questionnaire with interviews. Data analysis was performed univariately and bivariately with the chi-Square test. The results showed that the variables associated with the incidence of contact dermatitis were: personal hygiene (pvalue=0.004), personal protective equipment (pvalue=0.013). There is a relationship between personal hygiene and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) with the incidence of contact dermatitis.</em></p> 2023-11-23T03:47:33SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## HUBUNGAN KECANDUAN BERMAIN GAME ONLINE DENGAN KEJADIAN ASTENOPIA PADA REMAJA DI SMP NEGERI 1 NAMORAMBE 2023-11-23T03:59:45SE Asia Standard Time Siti - Marlina Maria Hermita Manik Alfi Syahri <p>Kecanduan game internet adalah ketergantungan berlebihan terhadap game online yang menimbulkan keinginan untuk memainkannya terus-menerus dan berdampakk negatif pada kesehatan fisik dan mentall seseorang. Asthenia merupakan penyakit mata yang disebabkann oleh aktivitas otot mata (otot mata) yang berlebihann, terutama saat melihat benda dekat dalam waktu lama. Tujuann dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahuii apakah ada hubungan antara game internet dan kerentanan generasi muda. Desain penelitian menggunakann metode penelitian deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan cross-sectionall. Penelitian ini diikuti oleh delapan puluh enam siswa dengan menggunakan metodee pengambilan sampel yang menggunakan teknik non-probability sampling yang dikombinasikan dengan purposivee sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan skala untuk mengumpulkan data, yang kemudian dianalisiss menggunakan uji chi-square dan selanjutnya uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkann bahwa terdapat hubungan positif antara game online dengan depresi di SMP Negeri 1 Namorambe. Kesimpulan dari penelitiann ini adalah terdapat hubungan antara internett gaming dengan prevalensi burnout pada remaja SMP Negeri 1 Namorambe tahun 2023.</p> 2023-11-23T03:47:59SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## HUBUNGAN KOMUNIKASI INFORMASI DAN EDUKASI (KIE) TENTANG DISMENOREA DENGAN TINGKAT NYERI PADA REMAJA YANG MENGALAMI MENSTRUASI DIDESA BINJAI DUSUN V TEBING SYAHBANDAR TAHUN 2022 2023-11-23T03:59:55SE Asia Standard Time Tetty Junita Purba GF Gustina Siregar Cindy Meliyana <p><em>Adolescence in women is a period of physical and psychological preparation to become a mother in the future. Communication, Information and Education (IEC) is a process of conveying messages, information provided to the community Both Using media such as: radio, television, press, film, etc. Gynecological disorders that often occur in adolescents are disorders related to the menstrual cycle. Some of these are dysmenorrhoea and Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS). During menstruation, each woman has a different experience where some of them experience discomfort in the pelvis or painDysmenorrhea can be defined as a medical condition that occurs during menstruation that can interfere with activity and requires treatment characterized by pain or pain in the abdominal or pelvic area. Menstruation is the bleeding of the uterus along with the release of the endometrium that takes place periodically and cyclically. The study used a pre-experimental design with a one- group pre-post test design. Population and Sample In this study there were 20 people with a total sampling technique. Based on the results of the study, p= 0.002 or p ≤ 0.05 means that there is a relationship between ME Dysmenorrhea and the level of menstrual pain in adolescents in binjai village, hamlet V tebing syahbandar in 2022.</em></p> 2023-11-23T03:48:11SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH SENAM PILATES TERHADAP INTENSITAS NYERI PUNGGUNG PADA IBU HAMIL TRIMESTER III DI PUSKESMAS DELITUA KABUPATEN DELI SERDANG TAHUN 2023 2023-11-23T05:24:44SE Asia Standard Time Rini Debora Silalahi Reisy Tane <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Low back pain (LBP) is a common musculoskeletal problem that can affect approximately two-thirds of pregnant women, with a frequency of up to 76%, and&nbsp; is a major cause of disability. during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. The pain can be very severe, leading to difficulty with activities of daily living, higher rates of functional disability, increased sick leave and poor maternal health as well as depression, anxiety and insomnia ( Yiridin, et al, 2023). Therefore, based on this data, researchers are encouraged to conduct a study on the effects of Pilates exercise on back pain in third-trimester pregnant women at&nbsp; Delitua Medical Center.</em> <em>This study aimed to determine the effect of Pilates exercise in reducing back pain in pregnant women in the third trimester. This study uses quantitative research data with a quasi-experimental method and a group pre-post test design, specifically groups of subjects&nbsp; are observed before implementing the intervention. This study, using paired t-test, obtained a significant number or p-value (value = 0..000), much lower than the standard significance level of 0..05 or indicating an effect</em> <em>negative</em> <em>in the third </em><em>&nbsp;</em><em>year</em> <em>precious</em> <em>is significant (p &lt; a).</em> <em>​​​​​​​​</em><em>Therefore, H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, which means it can be concluded that Pilates training has an effect Significant effect on back pain in pregnant women during this period third trimester of pregnancy at Deli Tua Community Health Center in 2023.</em></p> <p style="font-weight: 400;">&nbsp;</p> 2023-11-23T03:49:29SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## MOTIVASI DAN AKTIVITAS BELAJAR BAHASA INGGRIS MAHASISWAKEPERAWATAN TINGKAT IV DENGAN MENGGUNAKAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN KOOPERATIF TIPEWORDSQUARE 2023-11-23T04:00:17SE Asia Standard Time Tedty Rohaya Tinambunan Sulastri Br Ginting Roikestina Silaban <p><em>Using a cooperative learning model of the Word Square variety, the study sought to enhance the English language learning activities and motivation of nursing students at the Health Institute of DELI HUSADA Deli Tua Deli Serdang. The study took place in September and August of 2023. Thirty DELI HUSADA Deli Tua Class B Nursing Students, sixteen of whom were female and fourteen of whom were boy, comprised the samples for the academic year 2023–2024. The parameters of measurement were student motivation and learning activities. The results showed that student motivation had increased. Prior to the action, the average student motivation was 2.92 (medium category), but in the first cycle, it increased to 4.21 (high category). In the second cycle, students' motivation rose by an average of 4.56 points (high category). The average percentage of student learning activities increased in the first cycle category, where there was a sufficient amount of 669.95%. The average percentage for both categories in the second cycle was 84.45%.The study's findings suggest that using Word Type Square's Cooperative Learning Model to teach students can boost their enthusiasm and engagement in the classroom. in English classes at Class B of Nursing Students DELI HUSADA Deli Tua in Academic Year 2023/2024.</em></p> 2023-11-23T03:49:44SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## HUBUNGAN KARAKTERISTIK DAN UPAYA RESILIENSI DENGAN TOXIC RELATIONSHIP YANG TERJADI SAAT BERPACARAN PADA MASA REMAJA 2024-01-13T10:10:14SE Asia Standard Time Regina Vidya Trias Novita* Vierni Augusta Christianty Evra Yusandra <p><em>Based on data from Catatan Tahunan (CATAHU) of the National Commission on Violence Against Women in 2019, there were 2,073 cases of dating violence. Victims of dating violence mostly occur in adolescents aged 13 - 17 years with 63 cases, and at the age of 18 - 24 years with 17 cases. According to the counseling teacher, adolescents at SMK Mitra Bakti Husada find it difficult to concentrate during the learning process, lack of motivation in learning, cannot do the assigned tasks well, and academic grades are declining. The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between characteristics and resilience efforts with toxic relationships that occur when dating during adolescence at SMK Mitra Bakti Husada. This research design uses quantitative, descriptive, and correlation research with a cross sectional approach. The total number of respondents was 155 with adolescent research respondents. This study used non-probability sampling method with purposive sampling technique. The results showed that there was a correlation between age (0.000); gender (0.000); length of dating (0.000) and resilience efforts (0.016) with toxic relationships. It is hoped that the results of this study can be used as feedback for schools to provide counselling on resilience efforts and toxic relationships, so that the students can avoid toxic relationships and overcome conflicts that occur in dating relationships by establishing better communication relationships so that problems can be resolved appropriately without the use of violence.</em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2023-11-23T00:00:00SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## Korelasi Antara Kadar Ureum dan Kreatinin dengan Kadar Troponin I Pada Penderita Penyakit Jantung Koroner 2023-11-23T04:00:39SE Asia Standard Time Rosa Indriyani <p><em>Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is a disease that begins with the emergence of atherosclerotic lesions that will involve cardiac enzymes. This study used troponin I enzymes because these enzymes produce high sensitivity and specificity and are released only when the heart is injured. The emergence of atherosclerotic lesions can also cause constriction of the renal blood vessels so that it can trigger an increase in urea and creatinine levels. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between urea and creatinine levels with troponin I levels in patients with coronary heart disease at Budhi Asih Hospital. The research method used was cross-sectional analytic observational with secondary data and 107 samples were used. This study used the Spearman correlation test with an alpha value of 0.05. The results showed that there was a correlation between troponin I and urea levels with a value of p = 0.003 (p &lt;0.05) with a moderate level of relationship (r = 0.284). Likewise, the levels of troponin I and creatinine obtained a value of p = 0.001 (p &lt;0.05) with a moderate level of relationship (r = 0.323). From the results of this study it can be concluded that there is a relationship between troponin I levels and urea and creatinine with a positive correlation direction indicating that if troponin I levels increase, urea and creatinine levels also increase</em></p> 2023-11-23T03:50:37SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## GAMBARAN PENGARUH PELATIHAN DALAM PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN PEER GRUP KADER REMAJA KESEHATAN TENTANG PENYAKIT TUBERCOLOSIS DI SEKOLAH MENENGAH PERTAMA KECAMATAN CAKUNG JAKARTA TIMUR 2023-11-23T04:00:47SE Asia Standard Time Novia Nuraini <p>Tuberculosis sufferers in Indonesia were the 2nd highest in 2018 at 566,623 cases. In 2019, there were 543,874 cases of tuberculosis. The highest number of cases was reported from provinces with large populations, namely West Java, East Java and Central Java (Ministry of Health, 2019). One way to reduce the rate of TB disease is by forming special health cadres for TB. Ridwan et al, 2016 in their research on adolescent health cadres caring for TB, stated that after carrying out 5 on the job training, adolescent cadres were able to provide information about adolescent health to all students in the class. each. The aim of the research was to describe the influence of training in increasing the knowledge of peer groups of teenagers about tuberculosis in junior high schools. Method: A qualitative approach that included in-depth interviews, groups discussion, and observations in peer groups of adolescent in junior high schools. The analysis used is thematic. Research results: there was an increase in adolescent knowledge after training on tuberculosis transmission, prevention and treatment in families and the community around adolescent. Conclusion: It is hoped that the results of this research will continue to utilize health worker cadres from schools, health centers, and sub-district and sub-district government agencies.</p> 2023-11-23T03:50:48SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## PENGARUH PUASA INTERMITEN DIURAL (PID)TERHADAP MEDIATOR PRO INFLAMASI; Literature Review 2023-11-23T04:00:56SE Asia Standard Time Selamat Ginting <p><em>Diural Intermittent Fasting is a fasting activity that is believed to have various benefits such as having an effect on the pro-inflammatory substances interleukin and TNF. The aim of the research is to determine the effect of intermittent diural fasting on pro-inflammatory mediators using a literature review. The literature review was carried out by searching the electronic databases CINAHL, Proquest, Google Scholar, and Science Direct from 2012 to 2023. Key words used included Diural Intermittent Fasting, Proinflammatory. 122 articles were obtained, 44 articles were reviewed and only 6 articles met the criteria. Diural intermittent fasting has an effect on regulating blood sugar levels which will have an effect on inflammation.</em></p> 2023-11-23T03:51:03SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement## KOMPENSASI, BEBAN KERJA, PENGEMBANGAN KARIER, KEPUASAN KERJA DAN PERILAKU CARING PADA PERAWAT RAWAT INAP RSUD KHIDMAT SEHAT AFIAT KOTA DEPOK TAHUN 2023 2023-12-04T08:27:13SE Asia Standard Time Aris Surahman Abdul Azis <p><em>The high rate of uncaring behavior in providing nursing care to patients, to overcome this problem requires improvements in compensation, career development workload and nurse job satisfaction so that caring behavior can be realized. Quantitative method, cross sectional using smartPLS with a population of 90 nurses. The research results show that compensation has a positive effect on job satisfaction, with a t value of 1.990 which is significant at α=5%. Compensation has a positive effect on caring behavior, with a t value of 2.079 and significant at α=5%. Workload has a negative effect on career development, with tcount value is 5.980 and is significant at α=5%, Workload has a negative effect on job satisfaction, with a tcount value of 7.279 and is significant at α=5%, Workload has a negative effect on caring behavior with a tcount value of 1.990 and significant at α= 5%, Career development has a positive effect on job satisfaction, with a t-value of 1.990 and is significant at α=5%, Career development has a positive effect on caring behavior, with a t-count of 3.608 and significant at α=5%, Job satisfaction has a positive effect on caring behavior, with a t value of 2.079 and significant at α=5%, of the four variables studied, the variable that most dominantly influences the caring behavior of inpatient nurses at Khidmat Sehat Afiat Hospital, Depok City is the workload variable with a direct value of 27%. The conclusion of this research is to provide reinforcement so that the workload of nurses is proportionately adjusted to competency so that nurses' caring behavior can increase</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2023-12-04T08:27:12SE Asia Standard Time ##submission.copyrightStatement##