• Diah Evawanna Anuhgera Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam
  • Nikmah Jalilah Ritonga
Keywords: Keywords: touch therapy, body temperature, newborns



Background: Temperature changes occur early in the life of a newborn are an adaptation process that newborns must be passed in the beginning of his life. Touch therapy is an alternative non-pharmacological method that can help temperature stability in normal newborns. Purpose: This study aims to examine to effect of touch therapy increase temperature in newborns. Method: This study  was a quasi-experimental with pre and post test, conducted in the Deli Serdang Public Hospital. There were 16 participants selected using purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using paired t test. Results: There were statically significant effect of temperature before and after touch theraphy with p value 0,001. The increasing of temperature through touch therapy is 40.1%. Conclusion: Touch theraphy has a significant effect in increasing temperature in newborns. The intervention could be apllied as an alternative theraphy in treating newborns.


Author Biography

Diah Evawanna Anuhgera, Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam

Saya adalah Diah Evawanna Anuhgera, umur 26 tahun. Saya adalah staff dosen kebidanan di Fakultas Kebidanan Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam. Keilmuan penelitian saya dalam bidang kebidanan.


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