The study aims to analyze the effectivity of self-concordance of family members, health officers,
teachers, and community leaders as the supervision of taking medication causes tuberculosis. This
type of research is research quasi-experiment without control. Participants grouped into four drugtaking
supervision groups, namely family, health officers, teachers, and public figures. At the
beginning of the program, each amounted to 40 patients. Supervisors who qualified in the sample are
those who have registered at the Deli Tua Public health center with tuberculosis patients undergoing a
minimum of six months of treatment. Data analyzed by illustration ANOVA (one way). The results of
the study showed self-concordance of different meaningless treatments between family and teachers
and community leaders. Self-Concordance control of the environment shows a meaningful difference
between family with health officers, teachers, and community leaders. Self-concordance control cough
or sneezing in this study found to be different meaningful between families with health officers,
teachers, and public figures. Recommended to the Health office of Deli Serdang provide training of
core family members as a supervisor to take medication from the family in the prevention of
transmission tuberculosis
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