• Tri Makmur Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
Keywords: Child, Migraine


Headache is the biggest part of human suffering that is often found not only in adults, but also in
children. The prevalence of migraines in adult men is 9% and women are 18%, while in children
aged 7 years the prevalence is 1.2-3.2%, and between the ages of 7-15 years ranges between 4-
11%. Migraine attacks can be precipitated by certain foods that contain thyramin such as cheese,
meat (hogdog and bacon), chocolate containing phenylthylamine, additives in foods such as
monosodium glutamate. Many theories have been proposed, one of which is the vascular theory of
migraine pathophysiology which describes that the occurrence of migraine attacks includes 2
phases. Migraine diagnosis is based on history, clinical observation and does not require diagnostic
tests. In diagnosing migraine in children, diagnostic criteria are generally used. Migraine treatment
is symptomatic. Patients and their families are informed about factors that can trigger migraine
attacks and that attacks can be reduced through regular living and avoiding triggers. Generally
migraine attacks must be treated if the frequency of attacks is frequent and sufficient to influence
the child's activity. Short-term prognosis in children with migraines is more than 50% of patients
report improvement within 6 months after treatment, while the long-term prognosis gets 2/3 of
children will experience remission within 2 years or more.


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