• Tri Makmur Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
  • Fazidah Aguslina Siregar Universitas Sumatera Utara
Keywords: brain tumor, benign, psychiatric disorders


Background: Brain tumor is a non-traumatic neurological disease that can be accompanied by both neurological symptoms and symptoms of psychiatric disorders. Reportedly brain tumors are found in 10% of non-traumatic neurological diseases and about 1-2% of patients with psychiatric disorders also apparently suffer from brain tumors. There is no detailed data on brain tumors in Indonesia, but the incidence has increased from 2 of 100,000 population in the 10-year age group to 8 of 100,000 population in the 40-year age group and 20 of 100,000 population in the 70-year age group. The incidence of brain tumors varies according to age. Primary brain tumors are more common in men than women with an incidence ratio of 12.1: 11 of 100,000 population per year. The incidence of primary brain tumors is higher in whites than in blacks. Patients with brain tumors show focal neurological disorders that can cause behavioral changes. Psychiatric disorders caused by intracranial tumors are determined by the location and growth of the tumor. Handling can be done with operative and non-operative measures. Non-operative measures include symptomatic treatment both for symptoms of neurological disorders and symptoms of psychiatric disorders. Conclusion: Brain tumors can be accompanied by both neurological symptoms and psychiatric disorders. Psychiatric disorders determined by location and size of the tumor. Management of brain tumor with a psychiatric disorder can be done by non-operative measures.


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