H Hubungan Gaya Hidup Dengan Penyakit Diabetes Mellitus Pada Lansia Di UPTD Puskesmas Kecamatan Gunungsitoli Kota Gunungsitoli Tahun 2023

  • Reka Febri yani Halawa Program Studi Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat


Diabetes mellitus is a condition that can only be controlled and cannot be cured. Diabetes mellitus sufferers are required to visit the health center regularly for monitoring, which is one way to control their condition. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is one of the things you can do to reduce the risk of developing diabetes mellitus.

This research uses an observational design and a cross-sectional design. UPTD Puseksamas Gunungsitoli City District Gunungsitoli City was the location for this research. This research took place from January to April 2024. The population of this study was 235 elderly people who had been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus at the UPTD Community Health Center, Gunungsitoli City District. The sample consisted of 71 respondents, according to the Slovin formula. The chi-square test was used for data analysis, followed by logistic regression. The results of the analysis showed that there was a relationship between eating schedule and the incidence of diabetes mellitus with a value (p-value-.002 < 0.05) RP= 1.761, 95%CI (1.207-2.568), there was a relationship between type of eating and the incidence of diabetes mellitus (P-value - .002<0.05) RP= 1.849, 95%CI (1.182-2.889). there is a relationship between the amount of food eaten and the incidence of diabetes mellitus (P-value - .000<0.05) RP= 3.741, 95%CI (1.701-8.212). there is a relationship between alcohol consumption and the incidence of diabetes mellitus (P-value - .012 <0.05) RP= 1.586, 95%CI (1.112-2.263). there is a relationship between physical activity and the incidence of diabetes mellitus (P-value - .001<0.05) RP= 1.905, 95%CI(1.276-2.843). there is a relationship between stressors and the incidence of diabetes mellitus (P-value - .000<0.05) RP= 2.014, 95%CI (1.351-3005). And there was no relationship between smoking habits and the incidence of diabetes mellitus (P-value - -1.199>0.05) RP= 1.274, 95%CI (317-1.310). Conclusion: With a preval_ence ratio value of 16.446, the results of the multivariate test show that lifestyle, especially diet (the amount of food consumed) has a chance of 16.446 in increasing the incidence of diabetes mellitus in the UPTD Puskesmas Gunungsitoli Regency. Gunungsitoli City. Suggestion: Puskesmas are expected to improve the quantity and quality of services so that the preval_ence of diabetes mellitus and other diseases does not increase.



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