Medical and Health Science Journal2025-01-16T07:03:40SE Asia Standard TimeEmenita Karina Sinulingga, Journal Systems<p>Deli Medical and Health Science Journal (JDMHC) adalah jurnal yang mempublikasi hasil hasil penelitian dan tinjauan pustaka sistematik bidang kedokteran dan ilmu ilmu bidang kesehatan yang relevan dari mahasiswa, akademisi, peneliti dan pakar kedokteran dan kesehatan. Artikel publikasi ditulis berbahasa Indonesia atau berbahasa Inggris yang sesuai dengan kaidah kaida penulisan ilmiah</p> PELAKSANAAN INOVASI TOR-TOR LIBAS TB DALAM UPAYA PENINGKATAN KEBERHASILAN PROGRAM DI UPTD PUSKESMAS PANYABUNGAN JAE KABUPATEN MANDAILING NATAL TAHUN 20222025-01-11T10:48:04SE Asia Standard TimeErwinsyah .erwinsyah@gmail.comElvida Sulistianaelvidasulisstianaa123@gmail.comGina Kristina Br.Perangin-anginginakristina@gmail.comGuntur Perangin-anginguntur8989@gmail.comMuhammad Iqbalmuhammadiqbal@gmail.comNurdin Yusuf Siregarnurdinyusuf@gmail.compeny ariyanipenyariyani@gmail.comYulida Nehri<p><em>According to the World Health Organization (Global TB Report, 2021), Indonesia is still the country with the third largest burden of tuberculosis in the world after India and China and only 47% of cases are reported. and handled well. TOR Innovation TOR LIBAS TB is an innovation that aims to increase the scope of case finding and the success of TB treatment, the implementation of which involves cooperation from health workers, networks and networks, cross-program and sectoral and involves TB cadres in villages and sub-districts. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Effectiveness of Implementing TOR-TOR LIBAS TB Innovations in Efforts to Increase Program Success at UPTD Puskesmas Panyabungan Jae in 2022. The research design used the Mix-Method method with a Sequential Explanatory model. The number of informants was 14 people. Methods of data collection by in-depth interviews, focus group discussions, observation and review of documents and data analysis using triangulation were then integrated. Quantitative research results show the effectiveness of the coverage of TB case detection rates, namely with an average of 108 cases (37.56%) with Less Effective criteria, while the effectiveness of TB treatment success rate with an average of 70 cases (77.45%) with Effective criteria. Qualitative results show that the accuracy of program targets, achievement of program objectives, program monitoring, and satisfaction with the program are still not optimal, especially in the implementation of program socialization both to program implementers and the community. Regarding input availability of human resources, funds and infrastructure, it is still inadequate. Regulations/Standard Operational Procedures have been implemented, but have not been socialized properly. It is hoped that the puskesmas, cross-sectoral, the Health Service, will provide a role, support and increase cooperation and empower the community for the success of the program.</em></p>2025-01-11T10:43:01SE Asia Standard Time##submission.copyrightStatement## DETERMINAN PENCEGAHAN POTENSI PENULARAN TB PARU PADA KELUARGA DI WILAYAH KERJA PUSKESMAS KAR-TINI KOTA PEMATANG SIANTAR TAHUN 20232025-01-11T10:48:22SE Asia Standard TimeErizal Salam Putra Nasutionerizalsalam7877@gmail.comAmelia Sarmaameliasarma@gmail.comAyu Zulhafni Lubisayuzulhafni@gmail.comBeti Susanti Tariganbetisusanti8787@gmail.comDian Primadia Putridianprimadia@gmail.comPutri Ayu Arieschaputriayu2525@gmail.comnina<p>Pulmonary TB is ranked as the 10th largest disease in all Pematang Siantar city health centers with a total of 546,324 cases (57.8%).The Kartini Health Center in Pematang Siantar City in 2019 there were 13 people with pulmonary TB, in 2020 there were 15 people, while in 2021 there were 28 people and an increase in 2022 for the October period as many as 49 people.The purpose of this study was to analyze the determinants of potential prevention of pulmonary TB transmission in families.The type of research used is analytic quantitative with a cross sectional design, the number of samples is 44 people.Data collection using a questionnaire.Data analysis used univariate analysis and bivariate analysis with the Chi-Square test.The results showed that the knowledge of pulmonary TB sufferers was in the good category by 50.0%, the attitude was in the good category by 54.5%, the ventilation category was eligible by 52.3%, the coaching of health workers was in the good category by 52.3%, the family support was in the good category by68.2%, prevention of the potential transmission of pulmonary TB in the family is 59.1%.The head of the Puskesmas should carry out socialization or counseling regarding efforts to prevent and control pulmonary TB disease, especially for those around TB patients by involving health cadres, RT, RW, religious leaders, and youth organizations.</p>2025-01-11T10:43:08SE Asia Standard Time##submission.copyrightStatement## PERILAKU HIDUP BERSIH DAN SEHAT DENGAN KEJADIAN COVID-19 TAHUN 2022-20223 DI RUMAH SAKIT UMUM PUSAT H. ADAM MALIK2025-01-11T10:48:32SE Asia Standard TimeMery Silvia Harahapmerysilvia2354@gmail.comIrwandi .irwandi5656@gmail.comKevin Ruslikevinrusli@gmail.comMuhammad Tsawaby HasianMuhammadTsawaby@gmail.comNovita RachmasariTsawabyRachmasari@gmail.comRasman Gunadi Sembiringrasmangunadi@gmail.comFriska Ernita Sitorusfriskaernita@gmail.comAmelia<p><em>Clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) is a software established to improve health. for the reason that Covid-19 pandemic, the PHBS program, in particular hand washing with soap, has all started to be socialized on a large scale. therefore, analyzing the fundamental relationship between Covid-19 and one's behavior in dwelling easy and wholesome is crucial. This look at aimed to investigate clean and wholesome living behavior with the preval__ence of Covid-19 in 2022-2023 at H. Adam Malik valuable preferred medical institution.The kind of research used in this observe is quantitative with a Case-manage studies design. The sample on this observe have been patients who had and had never been wonderful for Covid-19 and have been treated at the H. Adam Malik principal trendy health facility in the range of 2022 - 2023, namely eighty human beings. records collection on this observe using a questionnaire. records have been analyzed quantitatively with univariate and bivariate eval__uation. most respondents in this have a look at were aged 26-35 years, male and woman respondents had the equal range, and the general public of respondents in this observe labored as non-medical examiners. The results confirmed that there has been a dating among the use of a mask, washing arms with soap, the use of a hand sanitizer, keeping distance, keeping off crowds, converting garments and bathing when you get home after traveling, consuming nutritious food, and physical pastime for at the least 30 minutes an afternoon, getting sufficient relaxation, masking your mouth when coughing, sneezing, along with your higher arm or tissue and then immediately throwing the tissue right into a closed trash can and straight away washing your fingers (ethics when sneezing and coughing) with the occurrence of Covid-19 with a p-price < is recommended to everybody, in particular health workers in hospitals, to continually practice easy and wholesome living behaviors (PHBS) in normal life, not handiest all through the Covid-19 pandemic.</em></p>2025-01-11T10:44:34SE Asia Standard Time##submission.copyrightStatement## DIMENSI MUTU DENGAN RESPON TIME PELAYANAN DI IGD RS SITI HAJAR MEDAN TAHUN 20232025-01-11T10:49:18SE Asia Standard TimeSaiful BatubaraSaifulbatubara24@gmail.comandriyeni arniel sitepuandriyeniarniel@gmail.comSella Elita Br.Sembiringsellaelita@gmail.comWindya Sari Nasutionwindyasari@gmail.comDepi Liantodepilianto@gmail.comFelix Kasimfelixkasim@gmail.comherri novita<p><em>The great of carrier is very essential to note because it relates to the carrier with a view to be provided to sufferers. One popular for hospital emergency offerings is carrier excellent manipulate, including response time.The motive of this take a look at to determine the effect of the size of service quality on the reaction time of officials at the emergency room of Siti Hajar hospital, Medan. This studies is a quantitative take a look at with a pass sectional take a look at layout. information collection by means of interview the usage of Questionaire. The populace on this take a look at have been all patients who met the inclusion and exclusion standards with a complete pattern of 90 human beings. data have been analyzed using SPSS with the chi square check to see the impact of independent vareble to based variable.The end result of the research , show that provider get admission to variables have a enormous impact on response time (p = 0.02), provider between individuals have a huge impact on reaction time (p = zero.00), comfort have a substantial effect on response time (p = 0.00), technical competence have a massive effect on reaction time (p = 0.02), records have a good sized impact on reaction time (p = 0.00), performance have a widespread effect on reaction time (p = zero.00), continuity have a sizeable impact on reaction time ( p = zero.02).</em></p>2025-01-11T10:44:42SE Asia Standard Time##submission.copyrightStatement## YANG BERHUBUNGAN DENGAN PEMANFAATAN POS PEMBINAAN TERPADU (POSBINDU) DI PUSKESMAS BATU ANAM KABUPATEN SIMALUNGUN TAHUN 20232025-01-11T10:49:29SE Asia Standard TimeSutan Syarif Muda Dalimunthesuuttaannssyyaarriif@gmail.comTampak Linggom Simanjuntaktampaklinggom4398@gmail.comSujahn Anto Pardedesujahnantopardede@gmail.comRusdi Andreas Sembiringrusdiandreas@gmail.comPrawito Nurhidayat Simandjuntakprawitonurhidayat@gmail.comerika saragiherikasaragih@gmail.comfrawati<p><em>Non-communicable diseases are health problems with high morbidity, disability and death rates. The Integrated Development Post (Posbindu) is a program of the Community Health Center aimed at the early detection, monitoring, and follow-up of risk factors for non-communicable diseases. The low number of Posbindu visits compared to the high incidence of non-communicable diseases at the Batu Anam Health Center is the background of this research. This study aims to examine the factors associated with the utilization of the Integrated Development Post (Posbindu) at the Batu Anam Health Center. The research design employed is cross-sectional. The study population consisted of 320 individuals, with a sample size of 76. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. The results from the bivariate analysis indicated that the variables related to Posbindu utilization were knowledge (p=0.005), attitude (p=0.036), and health worker support (p=0.000) while the variable not related to Posbindu utilization was distance traveled (p=0.933 ) and family support (p=0.505). The results of the multivariate analysis showed that the most dominant variable related to the use of Posbindu was PR of 13.642 (95% CI: 3.218-57.828) meaning that the risk of not getting the support of health workers was 13.642 times greater in the community using Posbindu compared to respondents who did not get support from health workers.</em></p>2025-01-11T10:44:53SE Asia Standard Time##submission.copyrightStatement## Program Manajemen Berbasis Internet (Telenursing-Telemedicine- Aplikasi Website-Smartphone) dalam Upaya Mengurangi Kekambuhan Penyakit Asma Bronchiale2025-01-16T07:03:40SE Asia Standard TimeSauqi Sahrur<p><em>Based on data from the Ministry of Health in 2020, asthma is one of the most preval___ent diseases among the Indonesian population. By the end of 2020, the number of asthma sufferers in Indonesia reached 4.5 percent of the total population, totaling more than 12 million individuals. Asthma is a chronic condition characterized by recurrent episodes and currently cannot be completely cured. However, with proper control and treatment, asthma patients can lead normal lives and have a high life expectancy. Internet-based support systems for self-management and education, along with internet and mobile technologies, are increasingly recognized as valuable tools for patients with chronic diseases. The purpose of this literature review is to identify internet-based management programs that can effectively reduce the recurrence of bronchial asthma. This literature review method employs the PRISMA flow, with database searches including Google Scholar (57 articles), ProQuest (20 articles), and Wiley (14 articles). Keywords used in the article search include internet-based disease management, bronchial asthma, and knowledge. Only 6 articles were deemed appropriate through analysis of objectives, topic suitability, research methods used, sample size, research ethics, results of each article, and encountered limitations. The findings of the literature review indicate that information systems that can be utilized and have yielded significant results in achieving positive outcomes in the management of bronchial asthma include social media features such as Twitter and WhatsApp, internet features for telecommunication or telemedicine websites, the Attend Anywhere application based on Google Chrome, Zoom, and telemedicine.</em></p>2025-01-11T10:45:02SE Asia Standard Time##submission.copyrightStatement##