• Delisma Simorangkir Institut Kesehatan Deli Husada
Keywords: alloxan, extracts Ageratum conyzoides, blood sugar levels, Glibenclamide


Background: Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease with chronic characteristics of hyperglycemia with metabolic disorders of carb, fats, and proteins. Therapies using synthetic drugs require a substantial amount of money and are having these side effects that encourage people to begin shifting into the traditional treatment of bandotan leaves.

Purpose: To determine the effectiveness of bandotan leaf ethanol extract can reduce blood sugar levels compared to glibenclamide drugs.

Method: The method used is the experimental method. The sample was extracted by maceration method using 70% ethanol sailor. Testing for antidiabetic effects was carried out on 15 male white rats divided into 5 treatment groups, namely the first group negative control (CMC Na 0.5%), the second group positive control (glibenclamide), the third group dose 126 mg / BB Kg, 4th group dose 252 mg / Kg BB, and group 5 dose 378 mg / Kg BB. The results were tested using the ANOVA method.

Result: Based on this study, the ethanol extract of bandotan leaves at a dose of 126 mg / Kg BB, 252 mg / Kg, and 378 mg / Kg BB gave a decrease in blood sugar levels. the administration of bandotan leaf extract with a dose of 378 mg / Kg BB gave the same effective results as the glibenclamide drug while the negative control group (CMC Na 0.5%) was not effective in lowering blood sugar levels.

Conclusion: Bandotan leaf ethanol extract has the effect of decreasing blood sugar levels which are almost the same as glibenclamide drugs in male white mice induced with alloxan.


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