• Sri Wulan Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam
  • Riris Sitorus Institut Kesehatan Medistra Lubuk Pakam
Keywords: Pain, Post Sectio Sesarea, massage


Sectio caesarea contain the biggest risk, the operation of  feel the pain to effect of slice post operate for and most was often experienced of by that was natural by back ache and fatigue of mother post operate for the sesarea and to overcome the pain in bone or feel the pain cause can be conducted by masase back representing method elektif in treatment function that was for the prepare of pasca operastif, especially at patient post operate for the Sectio caesarea. This research to analyse the Influence of Masase Back To Degradation of Quality Of Pain In Bone at the Mother Post Operate for the Sectio caesarea in Hospital GrandMed of Lubuk Pakam Deli Serdang. This Research Type have the character of qualitative use the method of quasi eksperimental without group control with the approach of One Group Pretest - Postest Desaign. Popolasi amount to 30 responder, Sampel Research amount to 10 responder by using technique of purposive sampling. Analyse the data use the test t-test with the trust level 95 (α= 0,05). Pursuant to analysis of there was relation of which signifikan of among influence of masase back to degradation of was quality of pain in bone of at the patient post operate for the Sectio caesarea. Before done by masase 10 responder experience of the pain was and after done by masase 8 responder of pain in bone was and 2 light pain in bone responder. Using test of paired t test by p value α= 5% p (0,001< 0,05. There before researcher to mothers or Family experience post Sectio caesarea can be aplicatied to back masase to deficience back pain.
