• meri siska sirait institut kesehatan deli husada
Keywords: Compliance, Chemotherapy, Ovarian Cancer


Ovarian cancer is the most gynecological malignancy that causes death and it is one of the high incidences with around 192,000 cases worldwide in 2018. Non compliance to treatment of patients with ovarian cancer can cause of trigger stress, consequently, it does affect the physical condition and the psychological. The purpose of this research was to determine the factors that influence patients’ compliance in the treatment of ovarian cancer chemotherapy at the Dr. Pirngadi Hospital Medan in 2019. The method used for this research was observational analytic design with a cross- sectional approach. This research was conducted at the Dr. Pirngadi Hospital Medan in February - May 2020. The population in this research was 97 ovarian cancer patients who have chemotherapy and the samples were 45 patients collected by consecutive sampling technique. The results of the research showed that there is no influence of age factors on chemotherapy compliance as p (0.437) > α (0.05);there is no influence of educational factors on chemotherapy compliance as p (0.435) > α (0.05); there is an effect of occupational factors on chemotherapy compliance as p (0.036) <α (0.05); there is an influence of knowledge factors on chemotherapy compliance as p (0.027) <α (0.05); there is an influence of affordability access factors for chemotherapy compliance as p (0.037) <α (0.05); there is an influence of family support factors for chemotherapy compliance as p (0.013) <α (0, 05); and there is no influence of the roles of health workers on chemotherapy compliance as p (0.437) > α (0.05). Based on multiple logistc regression tests, the most influential factors affecting chemotherapy compliance were occupation and access to affordability. It is recommended for health workers at the Dr. Pirngadi Hospital Medan to be more intensive in encouraging patients and families with far-reaching affordability access to make good schedules so that patients can perform chemotherapy routinely.


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